Where is Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is located in the very middle of the American continent. Please see the image to picture it better. It is officially the Republic of Costa Rica.

It is a relatively small country (to help you imagine its size: if you are from the United States, Costa Rica is the size of West Virginia, if you are from Europe, Costa Rica is the size of Denmark).

Costa Rica limits with both the Caribbean Ocean (on the eastern side) and the Pacific Ocean (on the west side) and it’s full of mountains, green plains, rivers and volcanoes which is the reason why, the country ranks as one of the most popular tourist destinations.

The country’s official language is Spanish and their currency is the Costa Rican Colon (CRC). It must be said that although their official language is Spanish, many people in the country also speak English, probably due to the fact that many people around the world, especially people from the United States visit Costa Rica. Tourism represents big income for the country, followed by Real State and Agriculture.

Costa Rica is a stable and peaceful country, generally speaking.

Politically, the country is divided in 7 provinces: San José (the Capital), Heredia, Cartago, Alajuela, Puntarenas, Limón and Guanacaste. As expected, the most popular provinces are the ones located in either coast, which are: Puntarenas and Guanacaste in the Pacific Coast and, Limón, located in the Caribbean. The other 4 provinces are inland, which actually doesn’t take anything away from their beauty, as they are lush and mountainous.

If you are considering visiting Costa Rica, don’t think about it any longer, plan your trip! You will not regret it; it is as beautiful as they say!

Now you may wonder: what about the whether?

Costa Rica Whether

Costa Rica whether is in fact, quite diverse. Crazy fact coming from such a small country, isn’t it?

Costa Rica is divided into very distinct climatic zones yet, you will not find distinct seasons throughout the year. Due to its proximity to the Ecuador, Costa Rica doesn’t really have fall or spring, and it doesn’t even truly have winter and summer, it’s more like the “dry season” and the “green season”.

The sun shines year round in Costa Rica however, during the green season it rains a lot more. During the rainy season, it is very common to have sunny morning and rainy afternoons, or, viceversa.

You might want to read: Costa Rica Whether 


Travel to Costa Rica

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